When you find out your clients bring a horse head to their family shoot, you know its going to be a success from the very beginning (see bottom image for said horse head). Lindsay & Corey, were awesome sports during their rainy evening session. We really didn't think it was going to happen, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow! It was raining *literally* (and I hate that word) ALL. STINKIN'. DAY. When we made the call to have the shoot, I arrived and checked the radar. No rain in the forecast for a WHOLE HOUR! How could we get so lucky?!

I have no idea what those weather men are doing, or how radars can ever be called accurate, but it started raining about 10 mins into our shoot, maybe not even that long. So, off we go, to hide in our cars and keep our fingers crossed that it would pass. Once Mom felt it was good, off we went! What troopers for not caring to stand in the rain to get these glorious family memories.

And gosh, that sky is worth every ounce of easy going this family has. Oh, and I ALWAYS keep the clear umbrella in my car. I mean, why not?