Zach's senior session was so much fun. The day may have been on the verge of raindrops from the get go, but it held off, and made for the perfect setting to capture his final year of High School. You see, Zach is an amazing runner, and quite the stylist-er (? what is stylista for a man...?). Also, quite confident. He had the bones to chop his shoulder length hair less than 24 hours before his shoot! To say he knew what he was doing was an understatement. It was definitely a topic of conversation throughout, and he LOVED showing it off. At one point, I felt the need to say that to me, it was so 1997. You know, Zach Morris-esk? That may be showing my age, but seriously, he can rock it.

He was a natural during the entire shoot, and rarely needed direction. But, seniors are at that point in their lives where they are just beaming and make my job easy. The excitement of being the top of the food chain, and college next on the list. Life is at their beck-and-call.